Bill Burnett's Success Studio

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Is the Rock Your Jeans Program Right For You?

Have you had a bad breakup in the past few years?

Ya know from a diet that left you worse off than when you started?

If you’re reading this you’re probably struggling to figure out how to lose the weight. Trust us, we’ve all been there.

This year in particular has been difficult. And many of us have found we gained a little extra around the midsection.

Our Rock Your Jeans program is NOT another diet.

The big difference? Diets don’t teach you how to take care of yourself. In fact, they hope you won’t be able to!

They make you entirely reliant on their system so that you HAVE to keep coming back and giving them your hard earned dollars.

Rock Your Jeans is simple. We will teach you to use easy to follow nutrition, exercise, and provide you unparalleled support.

But, it’s not for everyone.

This is not for you if…

If you think you need restrict yourself to make progress and feel totally miserable in the process!

If you are looking to skip meals and cut out all carbs, fat, sugar, and fun from your diet in the name of weight loss.

If you are someone that wants the next fad diet or magic pill.

Who is Rock Your Jeans for?

  • Anyone that wants food to fit into their life and not the other way around.

  • Anyone who’s experienced that diets aren’t one size fits all.

  • Anyone who is fed up with diets that starve you and feeling hangry and shameful!

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to eat without constantly second guessing everything.

  • Anyone that gets that you need a strong foundation to build lasting change.

  • Anyone who is done with obsessively stepping on the scale.

  • Anyone that wants to learn to enjoy exercise.

We only have 10 spaces left at both locations- so email us at to learn more about how you can join the Rock Your Jeans Challenge at our Ivy or North location beginning March 1st!

If you’re not quite ready, that’s okay, too. We hope that reading this makes you feel a little less alone.


We’ve rounded up some of the top asked questions below.

What is it? An 8 Week Fat Loss Program to help you lose 1-2 pants sizes in 8 weeks

What does it include? Workouts and nutrition support to guide you to your goals. You will have access to a member’s only Facebook group where you can ask questions to your community and trainer 24/7.

How will I know I’m making progress? We will have weekly accountability meetings, regular jeans try-ons, and progress photos to ensure you are making progress.

You really want me to eat more? Yes! You need to fuel your metabolic fire with regular high-protein meals to get the most out of this program.

Can I have alcohol during the program? In moderation! We ask that you eat nutritious meals and snacks 80% of the time, so if a glass of wine is your treat – we won’t judge.

Are any foods off limits? Not at all! We will teach you how to incorporate your favorite foods alongside nutritious meals so you can let go of the diet mindset.

I have a past injury; can I still do this program? Our trainers are knowledgeable in working with all types of bodies and needs. We are able to make adjustments to the program as needed so that you can work-out safely.