Bill Burnett's Success Studio

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A Wheel. Some Handles. And a Six-Pack of Abs.

Much like the Bosu Ball, the Ab Wheel appears to be one of those devices that almost every gym has, but few people seem to use. Why this is the case is beyond the scope of today’s post. But if I had to guess, I’d say that it’s because most people don’t know how to use it, or look at it and assume they can’t. It’s possible that others have tried it, but overextended their arms which produced undue pain in the lower back. Whatever the case, the Ab Wheel has been around for decades and is worth some attention.

Looking at old US Patents, it seems that part of the inspiration for the modern Ab Wheel came from similar ab devices in the 1930s. A simple design consisting of a single wheel and two handles, the Ab Wheel is actually an advanced tool that delivers a seriously intense, next-level core challenge.

Essentially, you are using multiple upper body muscles, like your lats and deltoids, to drive your body into a plank position. In the plank position, “… the transverse abdominis (the deepest ab muscle that wraps around your sides and spine), and the internal and external obliques (muscles on the sides of your stomach) are also critical players,” says celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins. "If you don’t engage these muscles, you will either hurt your back or fall flat on your face," she explains. Several muscles of your core is what is engaged during the rolling back stage of the exercise.

But ab rollouts don't just require strength from your abs and the other muscles mentioned. They require synchronized control as well. As you perform the rollouts you need to exert control from your hip flexors all the way up toward your shoulders. The whole chain [of muscles] needs to work together and there can’t be any breaks in the chain. Getting your whole body to work together as it moves in space is one of the most functional ways to train your core so you can move better in real time.

When performed with precision, this movement is one of the ultimate challenges for generating next level core strength. Challenge accepted???

Here’s the basic movement:

  1. Kneel on a mat and place the ab wheel in front of you, directly under your shoulders. Your upper body should be in a plan position to your knees.

  2. Before you start moving, contract the core by drawing in your belly button up toward your spine, keeping the spine neutral and your back flat.

  3. Grab onto each side handle and keep your arms straight and stabilized, before slowly rolling the ab wheel out with control.

  4. Pause just before you feel your back will arch, and slowly return to your starting position by rolling backward, activating the abs the entire time.

  5. Continue to work on a fuller range of motion by extending the wheel further as you gain strength.

The exercise requires strength and stability for proper execution, and therefore should only be attempted if you have a solid fitness foundation, or a personal trainer! So if you’d like to give the Ab Wheel a spin…and you should…click the button below and one of our certified Success Studio personal trainers would be glad to safely guide you through it.