Bill Burnett's Success Studio

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Don't Rush Your Reps!


This proverb, meaning persistent, consistent, and diligent progress, even if it is somewhat slow, will produce better results than rushing, is spot on when talking about reps: Rushing induces bad form, and bad form can lead to injuries and wasted reps. But when you take your time, feel the burn, and push through, you’ll get the most out of every set:

Muscle Fatigue

One of the main goals of lifting weights slowly is to fatigue your muscles until they fail. At a certain point you won’t be able to lift the weight anymore; this will send a signal to your body to repair the damaged muscle and instigate greater growth. This is called the in-road theory, which was developed by fitness trainer Ken Hutchins. When it comes to building muscle and getting strong, muscle fatigue is a very good thing.

Skeletal Muscles Strength

Lifting slowly targets skeletal muscles, which are are essential to everyday movements. Skeletal muscles use more energy than other muscles, therefore burning more calories. They also produce more heat and receive more blood flow. Activating and improving your skeletal muscle system will improve your stamina and overall strength.

Build Larger Muscle Mass

Slow lifts can build muscle much faster than regular lifts can. This happens because lifting slowly forces your muscles to hold the weight longer. In a standard bicep curl, for example, a slow motion will keep your bicep activated the whole time. If you go faster, momentum will do a lot of the work for you, and your muscles will be active for a shorter amount of time.

Prevent Injuries

When you lift weights slowly, you’re much less likely to injure yourself. That’s because you have the time to learn how to do each lift or curl properly, and focus on maintaining correct form with every repetition. Technique is much more important than speed when it comes to weight lifting, and quick, jerky movements can result in injuries. Of course, if you’re hurt, you’re unable to work out to your full potential, which will erase any progress you’ve made.

Develop Perfect Form

Not only are you at risk of injury when you lift quickly, but you’re also jeopardizing your technique. An exercise won’t do you any good if it is done incorrectly, so make sure you are taking the time to get the motion of the lift right with every single repetition. by moving through the full range of motion in your joints. The better your form, the better your results, and the less likely you are to hurt yourself. If you're unable to maintain good form, decrease the weight or the number of repetitions.

For most people, a single set of 12 to 15 repetitions with a weight that fatigues the muscles can build strength efficiently and can be as effective as three sets of the same exercise. As you get stronger, gradually increase the amount of weight. A good rule of thumb is to lift the weight for 10 seconds, and bring it back down for 10 seconds. Make sure not to rest very long in between exercises, to keep your muscles activated.

When you’re done with your workout, wait at least a day off before you do it again. Resting is just as important as the actual workout — it give your body time to repair and rebuild your muscles.

If you're just getting started, work with a knowledgeable weight training specialist — all the Personal Trainers at Success Studio are fitness specialists who are familiar with proper weight training technique, and would be so happy to get you started! If you've been using weights for a while, consider scheduling time with a trainer to double-check your technique and identify any changes you may need to make. It’s complimentary…all you have to do is click the button below.

Be the tortoise: slow and steady always wins out in fitness!