Protein Lean (and some carbs and fat)

Two people go to the gym. Person A and Person B, who put in similar effort, get different results. Person A appears toned and lean while person B appears bulky. To the average eye, it may look like Person A built lean muscle and Person B built bulky muscle. But that’s not at all what has happened.

Person A has lower body fat allowing their new 10 pounds of muscle to be more visible and toned. Person B, on the other hand, has a higher body fat percentage which causes their new 10 pounds of muscle to be covered by a layer of fat. This is what causes person B to look bulkier. In other words, getting lean is more dependent on losing fat as compared to gaining muscles.

If you want to lose fat while maintaining or building muscle, a diet high in protein, moderate in carbs, and filled with good fats, is recommended.


We all know meat has protein and protein builds muscle. Building muscle is good. But be careful…not all sources are created equal. Skinless poultry and fish are the no-brainers, and when shopping for beef and pork, look for cuts with the word “loin;” that’s usually a leaner option. Other sources of protein include:

  • Eggs

  • Tofu and Tempeh

  • Seitan

  • Dairy Products such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and milk

  • Veggies like lima beans, bean sprouts, soybeans, green peas, spinach, sweet corn, asparagus, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, edamame, and broccoli contain some protein also

While any good diet should focus on whole foods, there are times when dietary supplements can be beneficial. If you have trouble getting enough protein from foods alone, you could consider adding protein shakes to your daily routine. Success Studio recommends natural protein powder from Thorne. For over 32 years, Thorne Research has been committed to quality, purity, and evidence-based ingredients. When ingesting supplements, we believe in choosing the highest quality for optimal health. Success Studio has used and recommended Thorne protein for over 5 years and stand behind their products. Click here to save 10%!

You know that protein is the building block of muscle and that you need a lot of it, yet most people wildly under-consume the amount of protein they need on a daily basis. So regardless of your protein source, shoot for one gram of protein per pound of body weight. This has been shown to help exercisers lose weight and body fat while preserving existing lean muscle mass.


Fats were vilified for years among dieters for their higher calorie content, but these days, we know that food sources like avocados, nuts, olives, and fatty fish like sardines, are essential to a balanced diet.


Although low carb diets may be all the rage, they aren't the best muscle-building method. Your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your muscles, which your body uses for energy during your workouts, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. But that doesn't mean you should go ahead and gorge on pizza. Instead, you should consume quality carbs like nutrient-rich whole grains and fruits such as raspberries, apples, oranges, and cantaloupe. Yet another good reason to choose these foods over white bread and processed grains, though, is that they contain generous portions of fiber, which helps your body feel full. Cutting down on those second and third helpings will go a long way.

Get strong and lean while spurring fat loss and staving off the effects of aging. Be Person A. Need help coming up with a protein-rich meal plan to gain lean muscle? Our 8 week Rock Your Jeans challenge includes training and nutrition counseling designed to give you fat loss results. Want to learn more? Click the button below.

Allison MussComment