Personally, I'd Get A Trainer. Here's Why.

Exercise can get complicated. Deciding what workout to do or what workout plan to start can be a workout in itself. If you really want to exercise more, or improve the quality of your workouts, consider hiring a personal trainer.

1. Helps Newcomers Acclimate to the Gym

Walking into a gym for the first time can be intimidating. It’s a little like falling down a rabbit hole - there’s strange-looking scenery and a lot of people who look very comfortable in a world that seems completely foreign to you. Where do you even start? When you’re brand new to the world of fitness, it can be useful to have a guide. A personal trainer can help ease you into a new program at the right pace for your experience level and in the right way to help you reach your goals.

2. Helps the Pros to Stay on Track

Even if you work out consistently, plateaus happen. While it could be related to what you eat, hydration, or your quality of sleep, it may also happen simply because your body has adjusted to the demands of your current exercise routine. When that happens, you need to force your body to work in different ways. Getting the help of a personal trainer can be exactly what you need to change things up and push past your plateau.

Trainers have the experience to bring new ideas to the table and the expertise to help you master them in the right way. If you feel like you’ve tried every workout under the sun but haven’t found “the one,” a personal trainer can be like a workout matchmaker. They can introduce you to things you haven’t done before and help you reinvigorate your sessions when your usual routines have gotten stale.

And just because you’ve been going to the gym for a few years, doesn’t necessarily mean you know what you are doing. Many times, form can be off, machines are used improperly, and the weights being lifted are too heavy. Having a one-on-one with a professional may be a good idea so they can make the tweaks you need to have a more efficient, safe workout.

3. Defines Individual Fitness Goals

Personal trainers help you define individual fitness goals and create a roadmap to get there. They take into account your current fitness level and discuss what you ultimately want to achieve. Professionals will help you focus on smaller goals that are specific and realistic; they're more attainable, setting you up to achieve the larger, more audacious goal.

4. Creates Personalized Workouts

Personal trainers create a specific workout plan just for you based on the goals you want to achieve. This isn't a one-size-fits-all workout routine you'd find in a book or magazine. The personalized plan is tailored to your goals, needs, and allowances for your current physical condition and medical background. Your trainer can make accommodations to the program if you have an injury or a bad back or knees.

5. Teaches Proper Form

Professional trainers teach the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine. They demonstrate the movement, coach you through it, and correct any issues with your posture or technique. Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury and increases the movement's efficacy. When you can perform a move the right way, it increases the likelihood that you'll do it on your own after your training sessions.

6. Holds You Accountable

When you exercise on your own, it’s easier to skip a session here and there, or fall off the wagon completely if you don’t think anyone will notice. It’s more difficult, on the other hand, to skip a workout when you have a paid professional waiting to walk you through the day’s training. Investing in a personal trainer will motivate you to keep showing up for your workouts, even on the days when it’s hard.

7. Motivates and Celebrates

As I said, regular sessions with a personal trainer creates accountability, which is a real motivator to not let down yourself or them. But there's also something to be said for feeding that part of our brain that craves praise. Hearing a trainer celebrate your consistency, progress, or even proper technique can be a real boost when you feel like throwing in the towel.

8. Eliminates Complacency

If your workouts have previously felt complacent, an experienced trainer ensures you won't be bored anytime soon. They teach a variety of exercise methods, and with some trainers, no two sessions will look the same. Between machines, body weight exercises, free weights, and props like balls and straps, there's no end to the combinations you could be working on. Trainers also help you to make adjustments as your fitness level improves to ensure continued progress so you won't plateau or feel stuck in the same old routine.

9. Educates You

One of the best aspects of hiring a personal trainer is the education you receive. Truly learning about which exercises work what muscles groups and how to execute each one properly can help you prevent injury and workout efficiently for years to come.

10. Renews Confidence

A personal trainer is there to help with your fitness goals, but they’re also there to help improve your overall well-being. They care about how stressed you are because that will impact the kind of food you are eating and as a result, your performance in the gym. They care if you are feeling down, as this may affect your motivation levels throughout your workout. Because of this, your relationship with your personal trainer is one that leaves you feeling supported and able to voice your concerns and struggles with your overall well-being, knowing that just like your friends and family, your personal trainer has your back.

11. Keeps You on Track to Start & Keep Healthy Habits

It can take weeks to form good habits, and even longer to break bad ones... and trying to do it on your own is hard work. A personal trainer will help you with this by setting your daily or weekly goals to help break those bad habits and form new ones that support your goals. Implementing a daily step goal for you to hit, daily water consumption goal, or a week without heavily processed foods, are ways that they might get you thinking about your current daily habits and the ones that you want to create.

12. Efficiency and Efficacy

Experienced personal trainers will make the most of your workout time, which increases the efficiency of your exercise program. This is especially beneficial when you have a limited amount of time to exercise. They'll know how to optimize every minute you have available in the gym to get the biggest burn for your buck.

Have these benefits unearthed a desire to check out what it is to have a BFF (Best Fitness Friend)? All of our NASM certified personal trainers at Success Studio are excited to be a part of your fitness journey and to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. All you gotta do is click the button below for a complimentary assessment.

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