Should You Eat Before Your Workout?

It’s 1 hour before your workout, your stomach is growling, and you feel your energy crashing. But … should you eat before your workout?

The food you eat before and after your workout can affect your performance. Think about this - a car without any gas isn’t going to get very far! The same can be said for your body.

If you are running on empty when you get to the gym, you won’t have the energy to give your workout your all! You don’t want to feel so full you feel unwell working out, but if you feel low energy - EAT! This will not only help you perform better, but it will keep you from feeling faint and potentially injuring yourself.

Eating to get the most out of your workout

  • Eat a meal about 4 hours before your workout. This will give your body time to metabolize, but still ensure you aren’t running on empty.

  • About 1 hour to 45 minutes before your workout it’s fine to have a snack or energy drink that consists of carbs if you are running on empty! Things that are easy to digest, like a piece of a fruit, a date, or a bit of a protein bar can be an easy and quick way to make sure you have the energy to bring your A game.

  • Avoid foods that are high in fiber and fat before your workout. And yes, this includes things like fast food, candy, etc. These will be more difficult to digest and may make you feel more sluggish.

  • After your workout, ideally within 1-2 hours, consume a high protein snack or drink to refuel. This will optimize your recovery! We suggest making ahead a protein drink and having it with you at the gym so that you are ready to go. Our go-to protein powder is Thorne protein which you can order HERE. We recommend mixing with either water or your milk of choice made in a shaker bottle.

The most important thing to remember is this: you need energy from food to optimize your workout and recovery! Make sure you are eating enough and often, not only for your workouts, but so you can feel like your best self and live life on your own terms. If you have questions, our trainers are here to help! Our Rock Your Jeans Challenge is only 2 weeks away! Do you want nutrition support to help you lose 1-2 pants sizes? Fill out the form below!

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