Our Top Tips to Get Moving After The COVID-19 Shut-down!

Did you find it difficult to get moving during the government shutdown? Motivating to exercise can be a challenge in and of itself and adding a global pandemic into the mix didn’t make it any easier. After months of being stuck at home, the best thing we can all do for ourselves now is to get moving!


The phrase “if you don’t move it, you lose it” may be a cliche, but there is also a truth to this statement. As we age, our bodies begin to decline more rapidly. A sedentary lifestyle will lead to loss of muscle mass and mobility. Exercise helps build and maintain your strength and vitality!

Although age will exacerbate these issues, the negative effects of a sedentary life apply to all ages. No matter your age, you can slow the aging process through exercise. We’re never too old or too young to gain muscle mass and benefits from a consistent exercise program.

These results may be built through movement, but they translate into all aspects of life. Do you want to walk up the stairs without feeling winded? Squat down to pick up your children or grandchildren? Carry all the groceries in one trip? Feel better and have less pain? The movements we practice in the gym prepare you and strengthen you to maintain independence and happiness in daily life.

The good news is it’s never too late to start moving. If you felt yourself grow weaker during the shutdown, what’s stopping you now?

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3 ways to Incorporate movement into your daily life:

  1. If you sit for long periods at a time, like at a desk, take regular walking breaks. Once an hour get up and get moving! You can stretch or take a quick walk around.

  2. Summer is a prime time for a variety of outdoor activities. Whether you enjoy hiking, gardening, a nice evening stroll, biking, swimming, or even mowing the lawn with a manual mower there are a plethora of ways to add a little extra movement into your day. If you’re not quite ready to head to a gym, there are many ways to get fresh air and a healthy dose of exercise!

  3. Join a personal training program. Our personal training programs are tailored to you to help you move better, live better, and feel better. We know that for most of us the COVID-19 shutdown limited our means to motivate to exercise. We’re here to guide you back to health in a safe, enjoyable way.

When you’re ready, we’re here to help you get moving so you can enjoy life to the fullest. Email info@successstudiopt.com to start today!

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