Why You Should Be Squatting More

Chances are whether at the gym or in you daily life you’ve done a squat! But do you know why you should be squatting more? There are loads of benefits to trying loaded squats in the gym.

How many times do you squat during the day?

Really think about. If your answer was low, think about it again.

How often do you sit down and stand up?

From a desk chair, to pick up something you dropped, to get in an out of the car. Now think about how many times in a week you get onto and off your commode. Did the number of times you squat per day go up once you thought a little more?

Point is - we are constantly squatting. We are primally meant and made to be able to do this motion. So, it’s important that we practice to maintain optimal functioning.

As we age, this squatting motion becomes harder and harder. Especially if our muscles have grown weak from less use and constant sitting.

Did you know the number one reason people go to assisted living is because they can no longer get onto and off of the toilet on their own?

If we’re not taking proactive steps towards maintaining strength, we will begin to lose muscle mass and ultimately our independence.

No matter your age, this is a reality most of us will have to face some day, right?This decline is viewed by society as a natural part of aging.

But, a sharp decline doesn’t have to be the reality as we age. Through fitness, we can all take preventative measures to ensure we stay strong and independent much longer in life!

At both our Success Studio locations we have clients 70+ who could out lift the best of us.

Squats hit many different muscle groups. Your legs, butt, and core all work to make a squat happen. Basically your whole body is working together!

Getting up and down is such a regular part of our daily life, so it’s important to strengthen our legs, butt and core through squats. This will improve your balance and mobility.

This will not only make it easier to squat down to pick up the groceries, but also help prevent falls and injury.

When we load weight to things like squats, no matter our age, we challenge our bodies to stay strong! We are more stable and able to handle the demands of daily life.

Are squats a part of your fitness routine? Contact us to learn how our trainers can help you stay strong for the long haul with smart programs!

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