Yoga Poses that Offer Thanksgiving
By definition, “thanksgiving” means: the act of giving thanks and expressing deep gratitude for all that is good. Studies show that gratitude is very important for our health and well being. Counting your blessings and giving thanks regularly may lead to increased and sustained happiness, a stronger immune system, increased energy and creativity, improved quality of sleep, a deeper feeling of connection with others, and more. It helps us to live healthy and well balanced lives.
Gratitude plays a beautiful role in yoga! It helps us appreciate our bodies, the present moment, and the journey of self-discovery. By cultivating gratitude during yoga, it enhances our overall well-being by promoting positivity, reducing stress, and fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and others. It's like a little sprinkle of happiness on our mats! Spend some time on your mat this Thanksgiving day with six yoga poses that inspire gratitude and invoke thanksgiving. Hold each pose for about 10 breaths before moving on to another.
Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is so simple but it carries so much meaning. It’s often the way yoga class is started and that is intentional; we bow forward offering thanks, whether that to be to a higher power or to ourselves for getting to our mats.
Seated Forward Fold
sitting with your legs straight out in front of you, reach your arms high and stretch upward as you then fold forward, again bowing down in gratitude. with every inhale, extend the spine, and with every exhale, bend deeper. holding here, acknowledge what your breath and body give you.
Mountain Pose Raised Arms
come to a standing position near the top of the mat. take a moment to feel an even balance in the body as weight should be evenly distributed between each foot. roll the shoulders up and down drawing the chin back. then, lift the arms up in thanksgiving turning the palms toward the sky.
Low Lunge With Backbend
From mountain pose, step back with one leg into a low lunge. raise the arms overhead, then bend at the elbows to come into a cactus arm variation as you take a slight backbend, opening your heart to release gratitude out to the Universe. Step into a forward fold after 10 breaths and repeat on the other side.
Camel Pose
thanksgiving poses are all about opening the heart. for camel pose, Kneel down on your mat but stay tall on your knees. bending backwards, place your hands on your heels, opening your heart to the sky.
Laying on your back with your palms up for thanksgiving, lay still and contemplate compassion and gratitude for your own journey, for all your strengths and struggles. Finally, feel compassion and gratitude for all beings everywhere, wishing them health, happiness, and ease on their journeys as well.
If you’d like to feel gratitude through yoga more regularly, and you are already a Success Studio Ivy Road member, sign up for yoga class here. If you would like more information about yoga and our classes, just click the button below and a certified personal trainer will help you out. Happy Thanksgiving and namaste.